
Toggle Switch Red Safety Cover - Customer Questions

Frequently Asked Questions by Oznium Customers

Could you show a photo of a switch that would work with this cover?
Sorry, that switch cover is out of stock and won't be restocked. We will remove it from the website.
Why would you offer a product that isn't compatible with any of your toggle switches? Surely you intend on making a product to fit... - by Jordan (Mackay, Australia)
Sometimes people just need this cover. They already have a product that works with this. Sorry.
Why are these so expensive?
They cost a lot for us to get. Sorry :(
Do you make these to fit over rocker switch's? - by James (Gillette, WY)
We do not have anything like that, I'm sorry.
If I drill the cover mounting hole to 1/2" will your LED toggles fit then? - by Kristopher (Perry Hall, MD)
Sure, don't see why that wouldn't work. Just be careful =)
Does the cover come in any other color than red? - by Josh
Which of your toggles fits into this cover? I couldnt find the 15/32" mounting stem length listed on the switches.
None of them fit, unfortunately.