Superflux 4 Chip LEDs - Customer Questions
Frequently Asked Questions by Oznium Customers
Is it suggested to run these led's directly next to one another on a pcb, or would leaving at least one row of gap in between each led recommended? I'm building custom brakes and turn signals and want to make sure there's no heating or crowding issues. - by James (Cupertino, CA)
They produce no heat so you can have them as close together as needed.
Can i use 4 simple 5mm blue led with 12v power source without any resistor.will it not harm the wires.
I'm a bit confused. You are asking about a 5mm LED in the Superflux 4-chip LED section?? Yes four 5mm together will work without a resistor.
How many watts does 1 set use (Superflux 4 Chip LEDs)
Can they be directly connected to a 12v battery without a resistor? (On-Off switch & fuse are installed)
Can they be directly connected to a 12v battery without a resistor? (On-Off switch & fuse are installed)
80 mA, so that means 0.08 * 12 = .96 watts
The max voltage is 2.0 to 3.5 as you can see (depending on color). So you could wire them in series on a 12v battery, or use resistors.
The max voltage is 2.0 to 3.5 as you can see (depending on color). So you could wire them in series on a 12v battery, or use resistors.
why do you only sell the orange superflux chips prewired? are u going to start selling them as is for special projects?
As is? Anyone can purchase the orange for any occasion. They aren't available in non-prewired.
Beside the terminals themselves, are the casings already waterproof?
Yes of course. The LED itself is acrylic and therefore waterproof.
what wave legenth are the red and blue leds
I'm sorry, but we don't seem to have that information yet. We are waiting to hear from our third-party testers to let us know for sure.
If I were to hook one of these up for a toy, I am thinking of using 2 button cell batteries the CR 2025 from energizer. Specs on that are -
Nominal Voltage: 3.0 Volts
Typical Capacity: 163 mAh (to 2.0 volts)
(Rated at 15K ohms at 21°C)
Should I hook these in series or parallel? Which would work better / last longer and not mess up the led?
Thanks - by Kersten (San Diego)
Nominal Voltage: 3.0 Volts
Typical Capacity: 163 mAh (to 2.0 volts)
(Rated at 15K ohms at 21°C)
Should I hook these in series or parallel? Which would work better / last longer and not mess up the led?
Thanks - by Kersten (San Diego)
The strip is made for 12v, 3v is too low, may not light. You could hook these in parallel and then connect to our 27A battery and holder [] []. This would work fine.
Can I grind off the round 'dome' so that I'm left with a square of light? I understand that by modifying them I'm responsible but I need the LED to lay flat on a glass surface and illuminate it from below. Thx, Gary - by Gary (WA state)
Yes, but not sure how that would affect the light. Maybe the Silicone Encased Strips would work for you [].
i was wondering what kind of glue or resin did you guys use to glue the led to the plastic led holder. i need something similar to glue these to my headlight lens - by Kevin (Mobile, AL)
Silicone or Gorilla glue works great.
you stated that they red and yellow can wired in a series of 6 -7, w/o the use of a resistor on a 12v source.....What about a 5 vot source for the red/yellow? How many can be wired in a series and parallel from a 5 volt source w/o resistors? thanks - by Philip
They are designed for 12v, they wouldn't work as well on 5v. You could try 3 or 4 but they may be dim.
Can you recomend a resin or polymer compatible with the superflux led domes (polymer dome?)?
We haven't tested any resin to see which is better/worse for the Superflux. I think it would be hard to mess up the Superflux.
The Resistors for these superfluxes I bought were 1 watt, and I see the ones you sell are 2 watt. I noticed my 1 watt resistors get really hot, enough to turn them brown, will the 2 watt 120 ohm you sell, get less hot? - by Richard (Hesperia, CA)
150 Ohm is 2 watt, should not hot if used correctly.
Can these be covered in a fiberglass resin when complete to make them water proof?
We haven't tried to cover them in fiberglass resin yet. I don't see why they would stop working though.
What are the viewing angles on these (compared to standard LEDs)
The angle on these are between 115 and 125 degrees. There is no "standard" led, but the other ones we have are about 30 degrees.
What color temperature are the white LEDs?
Around 6,000k.
sinse an led lense is made from epoxy rein, can i totally encapsulate an led with the same material? - by Wayne (Walnut Ridge, AR.)
Can I connect 6 led's super flux 4chip on a 12v supply in series, without using resistors, and then make multiple connection in parallel to achieve desired size brake tail lights? - by Israel (Mesquite, TX)
These are your output numbers right?
Superflux 4 chip LED
Blue: 1500-2000 = 4.7-6.2
Green: 4500-5000 = 14.1-15.7
Red: 2500-3000 = 7.8-9.4
White: 9000-10000 = 28.2-31.4
Yellow: 1000-1500 = 3.1-4.7
Super Bright LED
Blue: 4000
Green: 5000
White: 8000
Red: 8000
UV - Black Light: 300
Yellow: 8000
Orange: 2000
Pink: 3000
In the Action Shots section of the Superflux 4 chip LED you compare a blue Superflux 4 chip LED to one of your blue 5mm Super Bright LED and the Superflux looks a lot brighter. How is that possible if the output for the 5mm Super Bright LED is 4000mcd and the Superflux 4 Chip is 2000mcd? I'm trying to decide which one would be best for my tail light project. (obviously I will need red instead of blue but you only have pictures comparing the two different led in blue) Thanks. - by Alex (Bethlehem, PA)
Superflux 4 chip LED
Blue: 1500-2000 = 4.7-6.2
Green: 4500-5000 = 14.1-15.7
Red: 2500-3000 = 7.8-9.4
White: 9000-10000 = 28.2-31.4
Yellow: 1000-1500 = 3.1-4.7
Super Bright LED
Blue: 4000
Green: 5000
White: 8000
Red: 8000
UV - Black Light: 300
Yellow: 8000
Orange: 2000
Pink: 3000
In the Action Shots section of the Superflux 4 chip LED you compare a blue Superflux 4 chip LED to one of your blue 5mm Super Bright LED and the Superflux looks a lot brighter. How is that possible if the output for the 5mm Super Bright LED is 4000mcd and the Superflux 4 Chip is 2000mcd? I'm trying to decide which one would be best for my tail light project. (obviously I will need red instead of blue but you only have pictures comparing the two different led in blue) Thanks. - by Alex (Bethlehem, PA)
The Superflux are rated per chip sorry, so take that number and multiply by 4.
Would it be alright to wire 6 blue/white in series. Your calculator says so but it seems like it would be detrimental to the brightness level? I already have 6 red in a series and it looks great btw. - by Austin (Tennessee)
If the calculator says you can then go for it, personally I like wiring my LED's in parallel better anyway.
What voltages are best for 2 brightness levels for running/brake light operation? - by Charles (California)
12v for full brightness, and a standard 470 ohm resistor will lower the brightness quite well for a running light.
I am not sure how to use the LED Resistor Calculator. But if I wanted only to use one of these in my car what resistor would I need. - by Juan (Texas)
You should try the prewired superflux LED.
Which two leads are positive, and which ones are negative; and how do the leads correspond with the polarity corner? Also, I noticed two of the leads have holes in them...what are they for? Thanks. - by Charles (Shreveport, LA)
The two leads with the holes in them are positive, the other two are negative. No specific reason for the holes other than to help identify the polarity.
Which is brighter, this Superflux 4 chip or the High Power 1 watt? Sorry but the terminology is a little confusing to me. - by Steve (Dallas)
The high power 1 watt is brighter.
I bought a set of after market headlamps for my 2005 magnum & each lamp has 3 of these lites. They burned out. I was recommended to you by a fellow car buff. How do I replace them. Do they just come out of the little plug in sockt? I can use the new ones that you have? Because what you have is exactly what I am looking for. As long as I can remove the old ones from the small fixture that looks like a bulb. - by Ish (Chicago, Il)
This probably wouldn't be a plug-n-play type of thing.
You would probably have to do some un-soldering and re-soldering.
We can't say for sure.
You would probably have to do some un-soldering and re-soldering.
We can't say for sure.
are these or can they be made water resistant/water proof
and can I wire just one by itself to a 12v power source without a resistor, or does it have to be more than that in order to wire them without a resistor? - by John (Las Vegas, NV)
and can I wire just one by itself to a 12v power source without a resistor, or does it have to be more than that in order to wire them without a resistor? - by John (Las Vegas, NV)
These are "loose" LEDs. They are not waterproof and they do not work directly on 12 volts.
You should really check out our Pre-wired SuperFlux LEDs which are waterproof and work on 12 volts!
You should really check out our Pre-wired SuperFlux LEDs which are waterproof and work on 12 volts!
How long is the life on these leds?
When driven correctly, this product can last 50,000 hours.
do these leds need a resistor? if so how many and how long is the life on these? - by Frankie
Please use our LED resistor calculator:
At 12V, voltage drop of 3.5, and 80mA the recommended resistor is 120 ohm.
At 12V, voltage drop of 3.5, and 80mA the recommended resistor is 120 ohm.
What is the official viewing angle of the Superflux 4-Chip? - by George (Still on earth for t)
About 90 degrees of focused light.
What is the Lumen rating on these LEDs? - by Tim (Souther CA)
These are approximate mcd and lumen ratings:
Blue: 1500-2000 = 4.7-6.2
Green: 4500-5000 = 14.1-15.7
Red: 2500-3000 = 7.8-9.4
White: 9000-10000 = 28.2-31.4
Yellow: 1000-1500 = 3.1-4.7
Blue: 1500-2000 = 4.7-6.2
Green: 4500-5000 = 14.1-15.7
Red: 2500-3000 = 7.8-9.4
White: 9000-10000 = 28.2-31.4
Yellow: 1000-1500 = 3.1-4.7
If i bought the pre-wired onces, can you run those in series of 4 (blue) without resistors, and if so would it be less bright? if i got these, i could run a series of 4 with no resistors, but how do i connect the led's to the wire, would i have to run 2 wires? im confused about the 4 prongs. - by Jordan (Virginia Beach)
Pre-wired LEDs can not be run in series, since they already have a resistor built-in to make them ready for 12v. You have to run them in parallel. The four prongs are for mounting purposes. Two of them are hooked together for positive, two for negative. You only need to connect one of each. You connect wires with solder.
Can these be wired to have 2 brightness levels for running/brake light operation?
Yes. You can do that with any LED.
Can the prongs on the bottom be bent backwards so that the LED will lay flat or is there plastic in the way hindering this? - by Elliott (Raleigh, NC)
Yes, the prongs on the bottom can be bent so the LED will lay flat.
Do you have to wire both positive or both negative pin to make it work? would they work without resistor say 5 or more?
You have to wire at least one postitive and one negative pin. You can wire 2 positive pins and/or 2 negative pins if you'd like. It doesn't matter because both pins are physically connected. In electrical terms, they are "continuous". They have "continuity".
The reason there are 4 pins instead of 2 is because: the 4 pin setup allows the LEDs to have a uniform angle when soldered to a circuit board. It allows them to sit flat, which is especially important for LED brake lamps. The extra pins also allow more current to get to the LED chip.
They will work without resistors if you wire them in series.
The reason there are 4 pins instead of 2 is because: the 4 pin setup allows the LEDs to have a uniform angle when soldered to a circuit board. It allows them to sit flat, which is especially important for LED brake lamps. The extra pins also allow more current to get to the LED chip.
They will work without resistors if you wire them in series.
I see that you have UV wired superflux LED's but you don't have any unwired (loose) ones. Is there a reason for that? Do you plan on getting any? How hard would it be to take the LED out of the wired ones if you don't plan on getting any? Thanks, Cory - by Cory (Louisiana)
There is no good reason. We do not plan on getting any. It would be incredibly difficult to take the LED out of the pre-wired ones. If you can order at least 200 UV superflux 4-chip LEDs, we can get them for you.
It is possible to wire 4 superflux in a series without resistors?
Blue, Green, and White can be wired with 4 in series with no resistors on 12v.
Red and Yellow can be wired with 6 or 7 in series with no resistors on 12v.
Red and Yellow can be wired with 6 or 7 in series with no resistors on 12v.
What are the dimensions of these? I'm trying to determine how many I can fit at the end of a 1.25inch diameter tube - by Shay (Winnipeg)

Is the yellow actually a yellow or is it amber? Im trying to get amber for a project but im having trouble finding them. - by Mykl (Bedford, TX)
That is subjective. Some would call it yellow, some would call it amber. The wavelength is 585-595nm. Maybe buy some to test and see for yourself?
Do you have any data on the output brightness (mcd) of each color?
Blue: 1500-2000
Green: 4500-5000
Red: 2500-3000
White: 9000-10000
Yellow: 1000-1500
Green: 4500-5000
Red: 2500-3000
White: 9000-10000
Yellow: 1000-1500
How exactly do you wire these? Where and what resistor(s) are necessary? - by Mike (Dover, PA)
There's 2 positive and 2 negative leads on each LED.
How many resistors? - Depends on a lot of things. Usually you can put one 150 ohm 2 watt resistor for each LED (on the positive leads).
It is usually much better to just wire them in series on a circuit board and avoid resistors, or use our Pre-wired Superflux LEDs.
How many resistors? - Depends on a lot of things. Usually you can put one 150 ohm 2 watt resistor for each LED (on the positive leads).
It is usually much better to just wire them in series on a circuit board and avoid resistors, or use our Pre-wired Superflux LEDs.