If wiring a 4 Pin LED rocker switch by yourself has got all your wires crossed, follow this guide carefully and you’ll have your 4 pin LED switch wired up in no time.
Just remember, whenever you come across a part with unknown connections, the first thing to do is look for the datasheet! If you still don’t understand the pinout from the datasheet, then by all means post a question about it and we will assist with the wiring of our Rocker Switches.
How to wire a 4 pin LED switch
Wiring a rocker switch depends on the type you plan on using, so your wiring will depend on the amount of pins your rocker switch has. 4 Pin LED switch wiring shouldn’t cause any headaches if you follow the right diagram. If you want to know how to wire a 4 pin LED switch, following instructions tailored for a 3 pin one is going to leave you with a lot of loose ends and a cluster of headaches. To avoid all that and make things much simpler, check out our helpful diagram.
4 Pin LED switch wiring diagram:
4 Pin LED switch wiring diagram:

At Oznium, we have two Rocker Switches, which have the relevant technical information included:
Oznium Round Rocker Switch Wiring
Round rocker switch wiring:

If the switch with the above wiring doesn’t work, you can try the alternative switch wiring diagram below:

Round Rocker Switch Technical Info

I am quite new to wiring switches, but have successfully wired reverse facing roof led lights on my Suburban. I am now wiring two more sets of these 6.5 inch led light bars, 2 front facing and 2 side facing. They’re 12 –
24 amp, 18 watt lights, (the Walmart 20 bucks apiece kind) and I plan on wiring each set to a separate switch. And have those switches mounted in the overhead console. All total; 6 lights, 3 switches. I mistakenly ordered 3 of these 4 PIN illuminated DPST switches and probably should have gotten SPST.
But they must still be usable, right? How does this 4 pin DPST illuminated switch get wired to control two lights? I also plan on using 3 panel mount blade fuse holders as well to be safe, but have read again and again that a relay is not necessary for such a low powered circuit. Is that true? If I do need a relay, do I only need one for all 3 sets of lights, or one relay per set?
I’m not trying to advertise that site, just that those are the exact switches I purchased on Amazon, and that page provides all the specs for them.
Hi, hope you can help..I have inheiireted an older model electric pressure washer…Taking off the front panel I noticed the wires had become disconnected from a 4 prong Toggle switch..2 which are going to the electric motor and 2 are the power cord and of coarse the ground wire..Could you please tell or show me the placement of these wires on the Toggle switch?..The 2 wires going to the motor are both black..The two that goes to the power is light blue and black..Green wire I assume is the ground..Thank you for any help…Pete
Hi do hope you can help bought a new KJD6 240v 4A 4 pin — took the old one out but never sketched wire connectors was called away left job came back ——— went to connect wires —— tried as I thought right swap over connect blew three fuses —- enough is enough on line found your page so can you help it’s for my bench drill press ——- pro clm250ldp 203mm Redeye drill press thank you