Installing a rear brake light kill switch means that you have the option to turn off your rear lights, which is surely not a safe idea, especially if you’re planning on driving around like that. However, it is possible to do and it’s highly recommended that you add a buzzer or some sort of signal as well so that you know when it’s on to avoid getting a fine or worse.
These diagrams use relays to connect your rear brake light kill switch:

i’d like to be able to kill the brake lights on a 2017 ford raptor using one of the upfitter aux switches. i’d want the brakes to function normally when the switch is off and kill the brake lights when the switch is on. each upfitter switch only has one corresponding hot wire coming out under the hood. they already run through a built in relay box that i don’t really want to tamper with. normally lights or accessories are just connected to one of the hot wires for power.
since i don’t want a hot wire from the aux switch going to the brake pedal wire, i assume i need a relay to accomplish this. if this is correct, and i cut the wire coming out from behind the brake pedal, where, on the relay, would i connect the two ends of the cut brake wire, and where would i connect the aux switch wire?
thanks for any help you can offer.
Couldn’t you just splice into the wire to the brake lights run a wire to an from that spice and have a switch in between that brakes the current to the lights? Seems much simpler